Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Balls

Having a big-ass lens attached to your full-frame camera with a dedicated speedlight on it could really make you stand out from the crowd, eh? With the gear you’re carrying, it’s a no-brainer you’re gonna get awesome photos that’s gonna kick the collective asses of every other photographer you’re with, right?


Even with all the greatest photographic gear in the entire universe, it would still amount to nothing if you don’t have the balls to back it up. Yeah, you read that right – Balls. B-A-L-L-S.

Not the kind of balls I'm talking about

You need to have the balls (and a big pair of them, at that) to carry your camera with utmost pride and professionalism to take the shot you have in mind. It doesn’t matter if you’re stuck with an entry-level camera with a kit lens on it. You have a camera and by its strictest definition, it can take pictures of anything you aim it at. Of course, you have to consider your environment first but that shouldn’t stop you from grabbing the chance to take that once-in-a-lifetime photo. It wouldn’t be right if you act like a big douchebag with a DSLR and you’re all over the place, snapping like crazy.

More what I had in mind

At the same time, you shouldn’t be shy or awkward when you’re out there. I don’t know how you got your camera but you have to make sure you rightfully deserve it. You have to let everyone in the vicinity of the event (or anyplace you’re at, actually) know you have a camera and you freakin’ want to learn from it by taking a shot at something or someone. And how do you exactly do that? You just have to do what it takes to make a great picture by using your balls and your vast imagination. Photography isn’t for the faint-hearted. It isn’t for the uptight or socially-challenged either. Photography is for those with the imagination to dream and the will to make that dream come alive in your camera’s LCD.

Remember those things well the next time you’re holding your camera. It doesn’t matter if you’re at the park capturing kids at their candid glory or you’re starting on your path to be a great photographer by covering an event. Remember that you have balls and you should use them well.

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